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[SA_Scat] 2-year Postdoctoral fellowship position -characterisation of ordered surface assemblies of nanomagnets - Universityof Auckland, NZ
- To: "sa_scat@iucr.org" <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_Scat] 2-year Postdoctoral fellowship position -characterisation of ordered surface assemblies of nanomagnets - Universityof Auckland, NZ
- From: Duncan McGillivray <d.mcgillivray@auckland.ac.nz>
- Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2017 21:48:27 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-NZ, en-US
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;d=auckland.ac.nz; i=@auckland.ac.nz; q=dns/txt; s=mail;t=1506289710; x=1537825710;h=from:to:subject:date:message-id:content-id:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version;bh=NlCX4DaSX/dvJeHVJ2mVXW0fSrauAJRDP+OJL1eEzHM=;b=eFDD6QrgeTIHtIkb6humNmAS9hAB3L0q+MKxjq3vVc1uxg8g/zHNSIQN8ndD4Eae+4HJm0Pv3yZb7ROQU79oZFYF2ZC6PpejcxFQ6UEgRe1ATlWadqseJLAlgktUs80C5OazhbxG8hQH/DvwyECQ7KgQcVfOPXa5//SOVHZ0TrDU7cAganKHyjyy0461/3z33/0nOEnK4e+lfVv9au3YNc4HvNqmiIs9l5S175hCO3pOyQwyOpKhrYfKgwPasvJMDzJgAiyC0lMIOwQ5lkHFwDllfWK0YjmQRDVtUjW9VEtHvUszgUjD2kai31a6SRaZwNWNt6L60GnyZIQ+oSMLu A==;
In a data-dense world, fast and reliable computing is becoming increasingly energy demanding. New material developments will enable future magnetic data storage and the use of spin waves for 'magnonic' logic and data storage. If you are a talented and ambitious PhD interested in this area, then this may be the project for you. The project focusses on the characterisation of ordered surface assemblies of nanomagnets for magnonics and spinterfaces. We use self-assembly of ‘cargo carriers’ to create nanomagnet arrays with dimensions challenging for top-down patterning. After our substantial progress in proof-of-concept, the challenge now lies in the characterisation and device fabrication. The nanomagnets produced are 3-30nm, with sub-100nm spacing, approaching a perfect match for the superconducting magnetic vortex core (2 – 3 nm). The larger structures match the requirements for gigahertz magnonic logic, aimed at ultra-high-speed, low-power logic and ultra-high current superconductor elements. We are seeking an enthusiastic individual to join the team as a postdoctoral researcher for 2 years. The successful candidate will be excited to work in an interdisciplinary project and must have a PhD degree in a relevant discipline (engineering or physical sciences) with a willingness to learn and apply new techniques. The ideal candidate has experience in the field of surface science, knowledge of sample preparation or synthesis and is familiar with the concepts of magnonics and self-assembly. Experience in Atomic Force Microscopy or magnetic surface diffraction is desirable. Both local and international candidates are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will work mainly at The University of Auckland, but also with investigatorss across several of the MacDiarmid connected research groups in other parts of New Zealand. The investigators involved are Duncan McGillivray, Simon Granville, Jenny Malmström, Laura Domigan, David Williams, Juliet Gerrard and Penny Brothers (and including associated investigators: Alison Downard, Jeff Tallon, Carla Meledandri and Sally Brooker). Shortlisting will begin 15 October, and continue until the position is filled. For more information and how to apply, please see: http://macdiarmid.ac.nz/macdiarmid-institute-postdoctoral-fellowships/ ================================= Duncan McGillivray Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry Associate Dean (Academic) Faculty of Science The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142 NEW ZEALAND Office: +64 9 923 8255 (internal: x88255) Mobile: +64 21 952 576 ================================= _______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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