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[SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 5: Registration now open;two weeks remaining to submit abstracts and travel support
- To: "sa_scat@iucr.org" <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 5: Registration now open;two weeks remaining to submit abstracts and travel support
- From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC <stephen.king@stfc.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 12:29:50 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
Neutrons and Food 5 Oct 16 - 19, 2018, Sydney, Australia www.neutronsandfood.net<http://www.neutronsandfood.net> Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to provide three important updates to the Neutrons and Food 5 conference: 1. Registration is now open. Early bird rates are available until 1 August 2018; 2. There are now only two weeks left to submit your abstract (closing date of 15 May 2018); 3. Relevant to Australian and New Zealand-based delegates: travel support for students from AINSE member institutions is available; further information is provided on the conference website. We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney in October. Email: neutronsandfood@ansto.gov.au<mailto:neutronsandfood@ansto.gov.au> Web: www.neutronsandfood.net<http://www.neutronsandfood.net> _______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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