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[SA_Scat] BioCAT's Everything BioSAXS 5 workshop - Nov. 5-7
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_Scat] BioCAT's Everything BioSAXS 5 workshop - Nov. 5-7
- From: Jesse Hopkins <jhopkins1@iit.edu>
- Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 09:21:42 -0500
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;d=iit-edu.20150623.gappssmtp.com; s=20150623;h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=LU8AhjQM4gJKowAVclGopLPTlfoqenQ8abSqlx249pg=;b=yfgk3obbmmB2GlBzN2FCL7+JcPLHeZWvAw+IHHBiIUhAu1uLHOXmaRJiC5ZnWkEth4eYfidQPzPN+lVDEmSnqX4GpSM6ZNbaPRaIwU6o6takrDAplKhhQcCjqK1TqKOi5QO7ZYfah++LORu4/0Ol5UeOKahDQxdBkjlLUfaW18rXrGCHff1itlDh0PAYsgib78vFuno4wxgeJpaMwv9J3PYwqXalsF5kuqX0FQtMrCbayXnt1dilhNH17OpLzcdqsrOYvXUz2Sv7/E+GT9xOkVTaMkfYKuUMkZkc/SC9Eqh5vEpGdqoYYcTa0V+zwPaA0eSPSasg0B4t/abDnwxnAg==
BioCAT is offering its fifth intensive HOW-TO course in BioSAXS. Studentswill have two days of lectures and hands-on software tutorials on thebasics of BioSAXS data collection and processing from expert practitionersin the field. This will be followed by data collection on the BioCATbeamline (Sector 18 at the Advanced Photon Source) and data analysis help.Students are encouraged to bring 1-2 research samples for the datacollection. Also, for the first time ever, BioCAT is offering this course for remoteparticipants. Remote participants will get a live-stream of the lectures,and all of the tutorial materials. They will not be able to collect data. The course will take place from 11/5/19-11/7/19 at the Advanced PhotonSource. Registration for on-site participants is first come, first served,and limited to the first 15 registrants due to time constraints on how manyusers can collect data during the course. Full information, a link for registration, and the tentative schedule canbe found on our website:https://www.bio.aps.anl.gov/news/everything-biosaxs-5.html Please contact me if you have any questions. - Jesse ----Jesse Hopkins, PhDBeamline ScientistBioCAT, Sector 18Advanced Photon Source_______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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