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Request for approval of CIF version 1.1 specification

  • Subject: Request for approval of CIF version 1.1 specification
  • From: Brian McMahon <bm@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 12:36:28 +0100 (BST)
To COMCIFS (copied to the cif-developers list for information)

There has been an extensive review of the draft CIF specification over
the last couple of months by the cif-developers community, as well as some 
discussions on specific points by COMCIFS members in Geneva. These
have been extremely useful in detecting errors and discussing specific
areas of ambiguity. I believe the time has now come to put the draft
before COMCIFS for final review leading to formal approval.

The documents may be found at the following URLs:

(Irregular paragraph numbering inherited from earlier drafts will be fixed
upon acceptance.)

Colour-coded versions of these documents indicating changes during the
review process are also available starting at the URL
and an archive of the discussions can be consulted at 

I request that COMCIFS voting members look carefully at the specification
documents at the earliest opportunity. Of course if there are substantial
comments the review should not be rushed, but - especially in light of
this document's close and protracted scrutiny by many of the active
members of COMCIFS as well as the community at large - I am hopeful that
votes in favour of adopting these specifications  will be received
within, say, 2 weeks.

Brian McMahon
Coordinating Secretary, COMCIFS

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