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Re: [ddlm-group] Relationship asmong CIF2, STAR,CIF1 and Python. .

Hi Herbert,

Your list of objectives is consistent with my understanding, and I would
only add in addition to item 1 that there were some extensions specifically
to facilitate dictionary merging and maintenance.   Perhaps these are lumped
into the context of DDLm, but these are in some since separate from the
methods support.    I believe these changes for merging have little impact on
syntax issues, but Brian may want to comment on this issue.

I would strengthen item 4 in that I believe the original idea was to fully
support existing syntax and semantics for archived CIFs.  I think this goal
has been bent as the conversation has drifted into "improving" the syntax.


On 1/16/11 7:26 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein wrote:
>    1.  Accomodate DDLm and dREL; and
>    2.  Do this in a way that keeps required changes to existing
> archives to a minimum; and
>    3.  Do this in a way that allows as much existing CIF software
> as possible to continue to operate reliably; and
>    4.  To the extent that changes will be needed in archives and
> software, provide a clearly understood mechanism for making
> those changes, with as much support software as possible; and
>    5.  Subordinate to the above, add new features to CIF that may
> encourage broader use and more software support

   John Westbrook, Ph.D.
   Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
   Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
   610 Taylor Road
   Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087
   e-mail: jwest@rcsb.rutgers.edu
   Ph:  (732) 445-4290  Fax: (732) 445-4320
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