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Re: CIF-JSON draft 2017-05-08

On 8 May 2017 at 21:47, Bollinger, John C <John.Bollinger@stjude.org> wrote:
> Interpreting that as a backward step depends on asserting some kind of inherent significance to whether an item or category is presented looped.  There isn't any.  The important characteristic is not the *presentation* of the category but its *multiplicity* and key structure.
Well, "_list no" guarantees multiplicity 1. I cannot see anothermultiplicity control in DDL1/2.But if DDL2 was designed to be like RDMB schema then unlimited numberof entries in block indeed fits this design.
Regarding "loop tags": the original motivation was to keep track whichcolumns are in the same loop, so that JSON can be converted back tovalid CIF without knowing the context. Both:
loop_ _x _y 1 2 3 4
loop_ _x 1 3loop_ _y 2 4
will have the same JSON representation, but a dictionary may allowonly one of the two.This is not important for mmCIF, though, as it can be inferred fromthe naming convention.
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