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Re: IUCR-COMPCOMM: Jan 2002 edition of the IUCr Computing

	I think that David is making a valid point for people in our age
group, but it is clear from watching the students that they are happy to
read screens for hours on end. I use the IUCr e-alert system to help me
keep up-to-date with recent issues, but only quickly browse articles
on-line.  If they interest me, rather than print them directly I save them
to my hard disk for later processing.

	I think it is important for Lachlan to get feed back from readers
about what they like and what they dont like, since some changes may be
simple for him to make. However, since Lachlan is going to a great deal of
effort to produce a more vibrant newsletter than the C-com has ever had,
the final decisions must be his.

David Watkin

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