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Re: IUCR-COMPCOMM: Jan 2002 edition of the IUCr Computing


    I also printed out the entire newsletter to read it. I did not 
have any problem with download/printing, though. But it's true that a 
number of people have slower networks and can choke on 5Mb. So it 
would probably be better to have the articles available in separate 
pdf files.
   Of course (especially if the full pdf file format is also 
available), that would mean more work for Lachlan. I guess we could 
do without the html version, since (i) everybody can easily read the 
pdf files, (ii) it is a friendler format to print, and (iii) search 
engines (google) also index pdf files.

    As for the size as a 'newsletter', I liked a lot to have all these 
articles available. I think it's important we can publish this kind 
of 'soft' articles with opinions. So I think that if something should 
change, maybe it'd be better to keep the number of articles, but 
change the label (CompComm Chronicles !) if you feel the title is 
really misleading.

Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Université Joseph Fourier & CEA Grenoble (France)
ObjCryst & Fox : http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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