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[dddwg] Thankyou...new Forum thread....Re: Reminder of task set toIUCr Commissions.....

Dear Heniz J,
Thank you very much for this. It is obvious that PSI is a major player in the SR, FELand neutron facilities and linked to helping form data archiving policy and practice.

I wonder if you could table your questions in your final paragraph as a new thread in the DDD consultation Forum? To guarantee immediate replies from Alan Ashton for DLS, Rudolph Dimper for ESRF, Soichi Wakatsuki for Photon Factory and Sol Gruner for CHESS, for example, I encourage them to join in ASAP in that thread.

Just to mention I am out of office after today until oct 20 th.

Best wishes and regards,
Prof John R Helliwell DSc 

On 12 Oct 2011, at 15:18, "Heinz J Weyer" <heinz-josef.weyer@psi.ch> wrote:

Dear John and colleagues -

- as you certainly know, PSI is hosting the Swiss Light Source and we are
currently building SwissFEL, the Swiss free electron laser project. As part of
the PSI staff I am currently not engaged in taking and/or publishing data.

-  from the facility point of view my main interest is to discuss how and
where the experimental data is stored, how we organize access to these
data (authentication and authorization) and how do we catalogize them.

Best regards,
Heinz J

On 10.10.2011 15:46, John Helliwell wrote:
5FDAAB132A30B7469258444FB7BD4C9119F5A5@MBXP07.ds.man.ac.uk" type="cite">



Dear Colleagues

On October 27th 2011 it will be two months since we met in Madrid to
launch the IUCr formal discussions on Diffraction Data Deposition. You
received the Minutes of our IUCr Madrid meeting in mid September.

By the end of October 2011 can Commission Chairs or representatives
please report on your IUCr Commission's progress with assembling
exemplar articles and associated experimental diffraction or
scattering data? The idea at this stage is to identify a small number
of articles recently published (or currently in production) that are
representative of the experimental techniques used within your
Commission, and to provide to the Chester editorial office a copy of
the raw data sets collected during the experiment and used to produce
the structural models or other evidence discussed in the article.

If possible, by that date please provide to Brian McMahon (bm@iucr.org)
a reference to the selected article(s) and either a copy of the data
sets or (if they are large but available from a publicly accessible
repository) information about how to access them. Note that these
exemplar data sets might not be published as supplementary information
at this time (that will depend on file size and other technical
considerations), but they will be invaluable in helping to determine
how the journals would establish a robust system for handling such
data sets in future.

Please report on your progress in this effort to the IUCr Forum
http://forums.iucr.org/viewforum.php?f=16. If you have not
already registered for this Forum please do so as soon as possible.
One of us (JRH) has been keeping weekly snapshots of the Forum
discussion screen and clearly there is a good level
of activity in reading our Forum pages thus far.

I would also like to report that a draft Business Case that I prepared
for IUCr journals to handle diffraction data images deposition with
each article submission has been sent to the Editorial Office and is
receiving detailed consideration. It is likely that some discussion
arising from this initial draft will soon be started in the Forum.
Among issues that need to be addressed are the relative costs,
benefits and practicalities of hosting large data sets in the
publishing environment as against working with an external service
provider (ideally some existing crystallographic data handling

Best wishes and regards,
Yours sincerely,
John and Brian
J R Helliwell B McMahon
IUCr ICSTI and IUCr CODATA Representatives


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PD Dr. Heinz J. Weyer	Eml:  heinz-josef.weyer@psi.ch
SwissFEL		Fon:  +41 (56) 310 3494
Paul-Scherrer Institut	Web:  http://fel.web.psi.ch
CH-5232 Villigen PSI	      http://www.pandata.eu  
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International Union of Crystallography

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