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Re: [dddwg] ESRF data policy article

Dear Andy,Thank you for your appreciation, which we appreciate!
Re a journal's appointed referee's access to the submitted article's primary data; well, yes indeed, any decision on such access is that of the owner, the PI. [A decline by the author may raise referee anxiety of course]. However you suggest that a PI might add that referee to the experimental team but that would breach referee anonymity and the role of the referee to be independent of the team. A workable approach on this I think, as a referee myself, is when needs must I accept that I trust the author, via the editor, to do the reprocessing of any associated primary data under my (anonymous) guidance. I still then request the reprocessed and derived data (in my field the structure factors and atomic coordinates and ADPs) supplemented by the very helpful checkcif or (a database's) validation report at each step.
The above is my personal solution. 
Emeritus Prof of Chemistry John R Helliwell DSc_PhysicsPerspectives in Crystallography

________________________________________From: dddwg [dddwg-bounces@iucr.org] on behalf of Andy Gotz [andy.gotz@esrf.fr]Sent: 07 February 2016 08:47To: IUCr Working Group on Diffraction data DepositionSubject: Re: [dddwg] ESRF data policy article
Dear John,thank you for your encouragement and support. The dddwg definitelyplayed a role to get us this far and will continue to help definingstandards for preserving data for diffraction experiments. We alwayscite the dddwg and its work when explaining the ESRF data policy. Thankyou too and long live the dddwg!
The policy foresees data being released by the PI before the 3 yearembargo has expired. This is primarily to allow and encourage scientiststo make the data publicly available as soon as they publish theirresults. The policy does not foresee the specific case of anonymousaccess for referees before the PI has made the data public and/or the 3year embargo period has expired. If referees want access to the databeforehand we think it is up to the PI to decide this. The PI can thenadd the referee to the experimental team  thereby granting them accessto the data.
The preferred data format for archived data will be HDF5 as containerand Nexus as the ontology. Conversion programs will convert HDF5/Nexusto other formats if required.
Kind regards
On 07/02/2016 08:54, John Helliwell wrote:> Dear Andy,> Please also accept my Hearty congratulations on this very important development.>> The access to specific data sets by referees, an editor and eventually readers of an article relying on those data will be via your registration process mentioned in the policy I assume? Very often this will be before 3 years have elapsed since the measurements; will (registered) access be allowed during those first three years? (referees of course may well need to be anonymous to conform with a given journal's policy and/or their own wishes.)>> Like Tom, I put out a tweet yesterday evening. One immediate query that has come up concerned data format (Nexus was asked about). If you let me have your answer (in less than 140 characters) I will reply for you if you wish. Or, with your permission, I can let the person who raised it know that you are the person to contact.>> Hearty congratulations once again.> John>>>> Emeritus Prof of Chemistry John R Helliwell DSc_Physics> https://www.crcpress.com/Perspectives-in-Crystallography/Helliwell/9781498732109> A new book which resonates with the recent UN, UNESCO and IUCr International Year of Crystallography.>> On 6 Feb 2016, at 17:31, "Andy Gotz" <andy.gotz@esrf.fr> wrote:>>> Dear All,>>>> FYI an article on the ESRF data policy is now online:>>>> http://www.esrf.eu/home/news/general/content-news/general/esrf-takes-the-helm-in-saving-data.html>>>> It will be presented at the ESRF Users meeting next week.>>>> Andy>> _______________________________________________>> dddwg mailing list>> dddwg@iucr.org>> http://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dddwg> _______________________________________________> dddwg mailing list> dddwg@iucr.org> http://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dddwg
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International Union of Crystallography

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