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Re: [ddlm-group] Use of elides in strings

Let's try to reinitiate the straw poll on the topic of elides in the
correct thread.  For simplicity, I would like to restrict the vote to
single (') and double-quote(") delimited strings at this stage.


'elide': a mechanism by which we can indicate that a character which
would normally terminate the string should not terminate the string,
but rather be included within it.

'lexing': the application of rules from the CIF2 syntax specification
to produce a set of tokens

'string value': the contents of a string token following lexing.

Before getting into specifics, please vote on the following principles:

1. An eliding mechanism should be provided for CIF2 single and double
quote delimited strings. (yes/no)

2. Character(s) used to indicate elision should be part of the string value

Now for the specifics:

3.  Which of the following elision proposals do you support (more than one OK)?

  Proposal (a) (intended to correspond to Nick's)
   (i) A character which would otherwise be interpreted as a delimiter
is elided by immediately preceding it with a reverse solidus.
  (ii) Otherwise a reverse solidus in the string has no special
lexical significance.

  Proposal (b)
   (i) The combinations <reverse solidus><quote> or a <reverse
solidus><double quote> always signify <quote> and <double quote>
respectively, regardless of the delimiter used in a particular string.
   (ii) The combinations in (i) elide the <quote> or <double quote>
character where that character would otherwise terminate the string
   (iii) Apart from (i) and (ii), the reverse solidus has no special
   (iv) If not used as the string delimiter, <quote> or <double quote>
when not preceded by <reverse solidus> represent themselves.

My votes are as follows:

1. No elides
2. Should not be part of the string value
3. (a)

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