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Re: [ddlm-group] options/text vs binary/end-of-line. .

On Friday, June 18, 2010 8:10 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein wrote:
>Now to deal with the real issues -- should CIF2 allow multiple
>optional representations? is CIF2 a binary file or a text file? and
>how do we treat end-of-line?

There seem to be several voices in support of CIF being a text standard as opposed to a binary one.  That is my preference, though I would couple it with a requirement on fully-compliant CIF processors to support UTF-8 as the default for both reading and writing, and an explicit disclaimer of any requirement to support other encodings.

>The code point for the end of line in a "normal" unix-style UTF-8 file is
>U+000A (LF or NL), but all of the following are also used as line
>terminators (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline):


>The proponents of a rigid binary CIF2 format for the actual files,
>as opposed the going back to CIF being a text file with mutliple
>system-dependent encodings need to consider whether they are going
>to restrict "valid" CIF2 to the world of unix, or shall we perhaps
>allow people working with text editors on MS windows machines and
>Macs to produce "valid" CIF2 files directly, bend a little and,
>instead of mandating the external representation of a CIF2 so
>rigidly, allow some reasonable range to text files that map
>cleanly to and from the sequences of unicode code points currently
>specified in the proposal?

The terminology section of the draft spec defines "newline" and "\n" to mean whatever the local end-of-line convention is.  In response to an earlier query of mine, the group, with limited comment, acknowledged that this would include cases where the convention is to end lines with U+2028 or U+2029, which the spec takes care to note do not otherwise need to be supported in that role.  In this sense, the current CIF2 draft incorporates a requirement for environment-dependent variant encodings!

Windows and Mac OS <= 9 environments are thus afforded equal status with Unix environments (including OS X).   Nevertheless, I much prefer XML's approach to this issue: a defined set of EOL sequences is supported, all of them normalized to U+000A upon read, as if by an initial pre-processing pass.  This eases the life of XML consumers, as they can rely on conformant XML processors to read XML prepared in any environment, and always to represent EOL to them in the same way.  For their part, processors are free to use any of the supported EOL conventions when writing XML, and even to mix them.

CIF 1.1 allowed CIF readers to support multiple EOL conventions, so there should be no objection to allowing CIF 2.0 processors to do the same.  I would be completely satisfied, however, to follow XML's lead by *requiring* CIF processors to provide such support.  The specific sequences that should be supported are negotiable, but should include at least <U+000A>, <U+000D>, and <U+000D U+000A>.  I had thought that one of the obstacles here was the perception that this would not be supportable in Fortran (though I have Fortran code that does it, I think in a standard-conformant way).  I am pleased if that is not a concern.

>To be specific, I propose that


>["]To ensure compatibility with older Fortran text processing software,
>lines in CIF2 files should be restricted to no more than 2048
>code points in length, not including the line temrinator itself.
>Not that the UTF-8 encoding of such a line may well be much longer."

I agree that in a text context, it makes more sense to restrict line length by number of code points / Unicode characters than by number of bytes.  Restricting by bytes still mostly works, though, because the number of encoded code points cannot exceed the number of bytes under any of the standard UTFs (or any other standard encoding that comes to mind).  I am perfectly content to recast the length restriction in terms of Unicode characters.

John C. Bollinger, Ph.D.
Department of Structural Biology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

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