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Re: Paperwork for neXus (2nd)

> > >Do we agree about the fact that the primary use of Nexus is to deliver
> > >information which is not accessible on the net to scientists in less 
> > >developed
> > >countries?
> >
> > I agree that this should be the primary function of Nexus.
>   (a) For 'information' substitute 'crystallographic information'.
>   (b) I did not understand the 'primary use' of NeXus in the way Yves
> chooses to describe it and with which Pete is in agreement. I would
> rather rephrase the sentence:
>   "The primary objective of NeXus is to deliver to scientists in
> developing countries lacking a reliable connection to the Internet, a
> CD-ROM containing crystallographic information available on the
> Internet."
>   NB As opposed to Yves' definition, the information on the CD-ROM is
> exactly information that is available on the Internet but which the
> scientists with poor Internet connection can not tap.

Their is no opposition. It was just a question of approximative wording.

Also I was still a little confused by a previous message from Brian.

I am fully in agreement with Howard.

May I take this opportunity to let you know that I have received a number of
complaints about the slowness of JAC.

Somebody in my lab told me it took one year for a short communication to be
published. It was accepted at the end of January 1997 and just published in the
last issue.

I have myself a paper waiting since many months. I am afraid that people will
not continue to publish in JAC if this situation is not fixed.


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