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Re: EU Copyright Directive - latest

This is a posting of the IUPAP representative to the ICSTI list. I cut
and copy rather than forward because his posting forwards all of the
postings in this thread.

          Re: EU Copyright Directive - latest
 Date:  Mon, 05 Feb 2001 14:39:40 +0000
 From:  Prof I Butterworth <i.butterworth@IC.AC.UK>

Members may be interested to hear that the Academia Europaea has
all members and substitutes of the Legal Affairs Committee of the
Parliament with the following message. The Royal Society has sent a
similar message to all UK members of the Committee.

The Academia Europaea, in common with many national  academies, believes
that there is a danger to the public interest that draft legislation to
harmonise certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the
society may inhibit research and education by inordinately favouring
rightholders. In particular, exceptions to copyright permitting fair
dealing copying for purposes of research or personal study, which would
have little financial consequences for the rightholders, are essential
if the research and education communities are to fully play their role
strengthening an information society in Europe.

The Academia Europaea was already concerned by the Common Position
but given the long negotiations which had taken place, could perhaps
that the Common Position proposals were acceptable. It is, therefore
very great concern, that it has learned that a large number of
may be being considered by the Legal Affairs Committee, which seek to
strengthen further the rights of copyright holders. The damaging
consequences for European research and education could be immense. The
Academia Europaea urges the Legal Affairs Committee to accept the Common
Position without amendments.

[The Academia Europaea is an international, non-governmental association
of individual scientists and scholars, aiming to promote learning,
education and research.  It was founded in 1988 and currently brings
together some 1900 members from thirty five European countries and eight
non-European countries. The Academia's membership covers a wide
range of disciplines, including the physical sciences and technology,
biological sciences and medicine, mathematics, the humanities, the
and cognitive sciences, economics and law.]

Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08

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