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Re: Mirroring of the journals site

Sorry for answering today but I was in Berlin past week with a vey bad
weather when it is summer in Paris!

Mirroring of Journals:
>From what I see on my site the abstracts only are mirrored, not the
contents of the papers themselves.

Thus it means that the question is relative to the abstracts pages only.

1 - advertising
It is true that I would be placed in a delicate position if adds were to
appear on this page. Puting a link to somewhere else would solve this

2 - Statistics

I am very skeptical about the statistics you may provide. A number of
requests come from the machines which scan the Web day and night. The
origin of the request is often hidden: any university with a proxy in
front may appear as a single IP adresse. This argument cannot really be

3 - If bad pages persist and if this a Chester problem, it seems to me
that the problem would be solved when corrected in Chester. I do not see
why mirrors increase this difficulty. By essence if the mirrors use a
proper software they are directed by the source web. Am I wrong?

4 - Quality of service.

We must be careful about this: I do not care for Europe where people can
link with a correct speed from the various countries, but is this true
everywhere? In Asia? In Africa or South America? Is not a local mirror
faster or easier accessed? More: when a mirror does not answer people
may try another source of information.

Last question: will the actual performances of the UK server remain the
same if all requests arrive to it?

Point 1 seems to me the only solid argument. About point 3 I am not sure
to understand where is the difficulty.

Conclusion: a rather mix feeling.

Wiht best regards.


Pete Strickland a écrit :

> Dear All
> We are contacting you about an issue that we have discussed in
> Chester in the last few weeks. This is, should we continue to
> mirror the journals services (i.e. journals.iucr.org) or should
> we serve journals only from our main server in London.
> Some of the issues we discussed are:
> (1) We have been asked to consider the issue of advertising
> in our online journals by the Promotions Committee. They have
> asked that if an advertiser pays for an advert on a
> particular page of Crystallography Journals Online that the
> advert always appears (whether the page is mirrored or not).
> We think that we can only do this in a reliable way if the pages
> are not mirrored, as some mirror sites cannot take advertising.
> (2) We need to provide libraries with usage statistics for
> the journals service. We cannot do this fully (including
> Contents pages, journal home pages etc.) if these pages are
> mirrored.
> (3) We are concerned that out of date journals pages may
> persist on mirror servers (this is largely a Chester problem).
> This can probably also be tackled best by not mirroring.
> (4) Conversely, we are concerned about the quality of service.
> We beleive that this should be OK from the London server,
> but would need to keep our ears open for complaints.
> Please let us know your opinions on this. We would, of course,
> continue to mirror all the other services of Crystallography
> Online.
> Best wishes
> Peter/Brian

   Prof. Yves Epelboin, LMCP, Université P.M. Curie,
   case 115, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
   phone : +33 (0)1 4427 5211  fax : +33 (0)1 4427 3785
   URL http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin/

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