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[Fwd: Elsevier supports insitutional archiving]

  • To: epc@iucr.org
  • Subject: [Fwd: Elsevier supports insitutional archiving]
  • From: Howard Flack <crystal@flack.ch>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 11:28:42 +0200


Stevan Harnad

"Elsevier has just gone from being a Romeo "Pale-Green" publisher to a full
Romeo Green publisher: Authors have the publisher's official green light to
self-archive both their pre-refereeing preprints and their refereed

Elsevier has thereby demonstrated that -- whatever its pricing policy
may be -- it is a publisher that has heeded the need and the expressed
desire of the research community for Open Access (OA) and its benefits to
research productivity and progress.

There will be the predictable cavils from the pedants and those who
have never understood the real meaning and nature of OA: "It's only the
final refereed draft, not the publisher's PDF," "It does not include
republishing rights," "Elsevier is still not an OA publisher."

I, for one, am prepared to stoutly defend Elsevier on all these counts,
and to say that one could not have asked for more, and that the full
benefits of OA require not one bit more -- from the publisher.

For now it's down to you, Dear Researchers! Elsevier (and History)
is hereafter fully within its rights to say:

     "If Open Access is truly as important to researchers as they claim it
     is -- indeed as 30,000+ signatories to the PLoS Open Letter attested
     that it was http://www.publiclibraryofscience.org/cgi-bin/plosSign.pl --
     then if researchers are not now ready to *provide* that Open Access,
     even when given the publisher's official green light to do so,
     then there is every reason to doubt that they mean (or even know)
     what they are saying when they clamour for Open Access."

Bye, Barry

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