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EPC: query on creating a crystallographic conference postersarchive on the IUCr website

  • To: "IUCr Committee on Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and Storage of Information" <epc@iucr.org>
  • Subject: EPC: query on creating a crystallographic conference postersarchive on the IUCr website
  • From: Lachlan Cranswick <lachlanc@magma.ca>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:55:10 -0500

Hi All,

Are there any opinions/comments on creating a crystallographic
conference posters archive on the IUCr website. This would be similar in
style to what is already happening at   http://eposters.net/

If the IUCr had the resources to put this together, I think it could be
a nice resource as a lot of useful crystallographic information can be
within these posters and never seen again. Plus it allows the abstract
published in the IUCr journals to be matched to the original content.

Some summary information on eposters.net below.



>ePosters.net: An Online Journal of Scientific Posters
>April 11, 2007
>ePosters.net - The Online Journal of Scientific Posters. 'ePosters.net
>is a free online journal where you can share your scientific or medical
>poster with the world. After you present your poster at a conference or
>meeting you why not upload it at ePosters.net? ePosters.net incorporates
>an advanced new search engine which scans all the words within the PDF
>allowing relevant posters to be quickly and accurately identified by
>researchers. The process is easy and free of charge.'

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
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