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A Paradigm for Diffraction-data Reduction.

John Campbell wrote to ask why the files needed to be so complicated (the 
KISS principal -- Keep It Simple, Stupid), a philosophy with which I don't 
necessarily disagree.  On this basis, I propose that the only command a 
user ought to have to submit to his computer (buttons to push on his GUI) 
would be to choose his favorite program and to give a template path to the 
data.  From there on, the data should include everything necessary about 
the experiment for rather complete data reduction.  This will be possible 
with a comprehensive header and this is why it might be better to make the 
process simple but maybe the software not so simple.


	Robert M. Sweet			E-Dress: SWEET@BNL.GOV 
	Biology Dept.			Phones:
	Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.		516 282 3401  (Office)
	Upton, NY  11973		516 282 5642  (Lab)
	U.S.A.				516 282 3407  (Facsimile)

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