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some comments

Hi everybody,

I mostly agree with Andy's suggestions (first message, 23 nov ---  there's no
message identifier in these 'listserver' softwares? --- ).

My comments:

it seems clear that we cannot currently afford to have the data in ascii.
What's the point in being able to do a 'more' on an image? The header should be
in ascii. For the rest we want to have a graphic display of the image.

Header information and simplicity :
a few information (the 'core') are mandatory if the image is to be displayed at all.
Additional information could be written depending on avaibility. So I think we
should try to provide a rather complete list a keywords (a 'dictionary'). The
dictionary can be extended when need be.

The KEYWORD/VALUE PAIR scheme seems the most widely used. The image data section
itself could be considered as a keyword/value pair.

Number of images per file:
the format should allow to several img/file. Some softs generate this kind of

Is that too complicated? May be at the beginning, but we should leave open
these possibilities.
The flexibility requirement is often in contradiction with simplicity...

Eric Fanchon


I need information on MIF. Could somebody tell me where to find the
definition of this format?

  |  email: fanchon@ibs.fr      |   IBS Institut de Biologie Structurale  |
  |  Tel:   (33) 76 88 95 91    |          41, Avenue des Martyrs         |
  |  Fax:   (33) 76 88 54 94    |      38027 GRENOBLE Cedex 1  France     |

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