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Re: status of v1 of the imgcif library

Hello All,

Yes, I have worked in the direction of including binary "strings" in the
midst of an otherwise pure-CIF file and I do realise that this wasn't
the direction we took at Brookhaven.  The reason I made the change was
because it was simpler from a programming point of view than a format
that required additional comment-like keywords, particularly when we
come to have multiple binary sections.  As you say, I think we should
try out my current scheme and then review the situation.

I certainly agree that the documentation and the code have to agree.
This would be part of the review process.  If you think it necessary,
the code could move closer to the current specification.  If you are
happy with the code, we could change the documentation.  As for myself,
I intend to document the changes and the compression algorithm as soon
as I am satisfied that the code is stable (apparently next week).


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