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Image analysis program

Hello Everyone,

     I've been working for some time on an image analysis program which is 
supposed to be able to read and write CBF's. This uses CBFLIB to access the 

If possible I would like you to test it openning a variety of CBF's and 
imgCIF files. I suspect that there are still some problems, but testing our 
interchange capabilities seems a
good way to develop CBF/imgCIF. The program is called "FreeThinker" and 
runs on Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. You can download it from:


The executable is called: freethinker_1_16.exe

Please let me know your comments reading or writing CBF's, and if 
appropriate send me examples of files.


                Andy Hammersley

(P.S. It presently uses CBFLIB so image raster order is not 
adjusted on input.)

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