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Re: FITS for crystallography ?

> I agree with Marty, that FITS is well worth looking at. It shows that
> the Astronomy community has already adopted a similar solution to the
> one which we have been discussing. It's also interesting to see some of
> the history and development of the format. 
> A lot of good work has gone into the document. I particularly like
> the "Onces FITS, always FITS" philosophy. This sums up very neatly, 
> something which I only managed to say very clumsily.

The advantage of establishing a "crystallographic format" is to link together two things:

- a compact method to store binary data but various solutions have already been propsed

- a ASCII header in agreement with CIF standart, i.e. which uses a dictionnary common to ALL fields of crystallography. 

This allows to store together data (the binary part) and all possible information included in a "crystallographic dictionnary). It means that this new format will be permanently updated which means that it will be always possible to store  all relevant information in one file.

The main advantage of this new format is the combination of both things in one file.

       :    Yves EPELBOIN                                          :
       :    Lab. Mineralogie-Cristallographie, UA 09 CNRS,         :
       :    Case 115, 4 place Jussieu                              :
       :    F-75252 PARIS CEDEX 05                                 :
       :    phone: 33 1 44 27 52 11                                :
       :    Fax: 33 1 44 27 37 85                                  :
       :    E-Mail: epelboin@lmcp.jussieu.fr                       :
       :    WWW   : http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin           :

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