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[SA_scat] Fellowships at FDA on Biomolecular Imaging With CoherentX-Ray Scattering
- To: "'sa_scat@iucr.org'" <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_scat] Fellowships at FDA on Biomolecular Imaging With CoherentX-Ray Scattering
- From: "Badano, Aldo G" <Aldo.Badano@fda.hhs.gov>
- Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 08:56:01 -0400
- Accept-Language: en-US
- acceptlanguage: en-US
- In-Reply-To: <29A6AD8132FF5E43ABC0A2E08B072C4E13CF911575@FDSWV2130.fda.gov>
Fellowships at FDA on Biomolecular Imaging With Coherent X-Ray Scattering OPPORTUNITY: The Imaging Physics Laboratory (http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/CDRH/CDRHOffices/ucm300012.htm) in the Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration is seeking talented individuals to work on investigating a novel x-ray imaging method for the characterization of biomolecules and their interactions. DESCRIPTION: Pre- and post-doc positions are available to study a novel biomolecular imaging technique that relies on small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The position is situated in the group of Dr. Aldo Badano at DIAM/OSEL/FDA. REQUIREMENTS: Backgrounds in x-ray and molecular imaging, atomic or x-ray physics, detector instrumentation and theory, synchrotron applications with a focus on experimental studies are preferred. In addition, experience in developing and using Monte Carlo radiation transport codes will be considered favorable. Other areas of expertise sought for the project include knowledge of biochemistry and protein interactions, biomolecular characterization techniques including FRET and SAXS, and expertise in nanoparticle synthesis, functionalization, and characterization. Ability for multidisciplinary work covering imaging, biomolecular sciences and experimental technologies and strong mathematical and computational skills are mandatory. Experience in image analysis and familiarity with programming languages are expected. Motivation to work in a multidisciplinary environment is essential to this position. Good communication and presentation skills and fluency in English are expected. LOCATION: The selected candidates will join a medical imaging research group with a range of projects involving x-ray detector modeling, imaging phantom development, display evaluation, and image quality assessment with advanced experimental and computational facilities within a stimulating interdisciplinary environment. Our laboratories are in the FDA's White Oak campus in Silver Spring located in metropolitan Washington DC. This position will be administered through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education http://www.orau.gov/orise.htm. Compensation will be dependent on education and experience. No citizenship required. The initial appointment will be for one year from July 2012 (flexible). Extension of the contract will be based on performance and funds availability. APPLICATION: Interested individuals should send an email by May 10th to Jacqueline Haynes (Jacqueline.Haynes@fda.hhs.gov) with CV, peer-review publication and scientific code samples, a 1-page research and career statement, three recommendation letters (emails OK). Please include "application for BICXS fellowship" in the subject field. _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://mailman.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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