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[SA_Scat] ATSAS 2.8 released
- To: <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_Scat] ATSAS 2.8 released
- From: <stephen.king@stfc.ac.uk>
- Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 06:45:48 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
Dear Small-Angle Scatterers, ATSAS 2.8.0 is released. Academic users can download it fromhttps://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/download.html The features of this release include: New OS====== Ubuntu 16 and Debian 8 are now supported.Debian 6 is no longer supported.macOS installation became simpler. New Programs============ * secplot - point-and-click interface to process SEC-SAXS data; * sasres - resolution estimate of ab initio shape reconstruction; * parcoor - partition protein coordinates (PDB) into subdomains according to dynamics (NMA); * seqstat - get statistics about a protein from its amino acid sequence; * pdbstat - get statistics about a protein in a PDB file; * databsolute - normalise a SAXS curve to an absolute intensity scale; * adderrors - simple tool to add simulated experimental errors to a dataset. Removed Programs================ * supmon; * supcomph; * sashaqw; * autorgqw (use primus/qt instead); * seq2mw (use seqstat instead); * gnom version 4 is replaced by version 5 (formerly known as gnom5). Changes in Programs=================== * All: - improved random number generation (WELL512); - filter out 'bad data' (e.g. with a negative standard error) from input data files; - performance improvements with BLAS/LAPACK, kd-trees and reduced memory consumption; - fixed typos and improved online help text, improved error handling and fixed reported issues; - many improvements to libsaxsdocument (for details see https://github.com/emblsaxs/saxsview/pulls?q=is%3Aclosed). * coral: - increase the allowed maximum distance from the origin to 1000 Angstroms, - loop-db now a single file in binary format (ATSAS now installs faster); * crysol: - When using constant adjustment, add it to predicted curve, rather than subtracting from the experimental curve, - more consistent reporting of the Rg values, - skip rotamers when reading a structure, - now supports all elements up to californium, - allow up to 99th order spherical harmonics; * cryson: - allow up to 99th order spherical harmonics; * dam2is: - removed --fb option (order of Fibonacci grid); * damaver: - report model resolution as computed by SASRES; * dammif: - use shape classification with DATCLASS to choose starting shape; * datgnom (version 5): - default to a choice of the angular range so that Smax * Rg = 8; * datmerge: - avoid unnecessary rebin when merging datasets on identical s axes, - improved merging if input files are on different s axis, - improved scaling algorithm; * datshanum: - store Shannon fits within experimental angular range only; * datvc: - allow overriding Rg and I(0) on command line, - accept .dat/.int files; * em2dam: - simplified command-line interface, improved prediction of DAM and automatic threshold prediction; * eom: - add background to predicted curve, rather than subtracting from the experimental curve, - include experimental errors in .fit files; * monsa: - improved format of output .pdb files; * sasrefcv/mx: - added support for symmetry up to P9(2), - increased maximum number of subunits to 15; * supalm: - added support for superposing MONSA models, - changed format of output transformation matrix to match supcomb; * supcomb: - added --proximity and --fraction options for fast calculations; * ffmaker: - allow arbitrarily many form factors; * sreflex: - HETATM entries are now incorporated, - faster connectivity filter that considers all atoms, - additional breaks score based on sequential connectivity, - clashes score relative to molecular weight, - added to report: RMSD to initial structure, new breaks and clashes scores, - simplified user interface; * saspy: - Rg, Chi2 and NSD values now reported to PyMOL console (mainly for Windows users), - set working directory from configure tab (requested by Windows users), - PDB coordinates are written to file for CRYSOL and SASREF runs. ATSAS installation guidelines:https://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/manuals/install.html If you have questions or problems using ATSAS, please post your queriesto https://www.saxier.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=18 With best regardsATSAS Team_______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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