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[SA_Scat] Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Fellow Positions inBeijing CSRC
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_Scat] Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Fellow Positions inBeijing CSRC
- From: Haiguang Liu <haiguang.liu@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:47:04 +0800
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025;h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=S+v0P3TsxGdbPSGIYXEB9UyhJH6ggMYtnxNYbHK68nU=;b=L5NjTlCAoUvoTgME2gYUtgi1LqmNqmWKupCW02plP80fsecgvdOicJxl6JmddrGshWq3xhQKDO039DkbeRhPl7Y81qFj8u8BUnVueIEz9ZWI/b5PtPPtY4d9Awoh0bRNLaA53KeaYLnaIaZr6BfjCNvNbNL771mFJ/pKdye1vNJMT16P2xJZxvna7XRsNNL1yguxKyzU/K6HPjCQ6n2CQyl551XN+DESiAKhGhbZDN3U1UQ6+fRM1wXetxp4lzOifo37eAliO5PSgaIwotkFdjBzLptlDbRqaVTIDeYkdX7Zxi0lF8iUdEO7TdvX95uKaSH8rwcJsZG6y78pYD0CCg==
Dear All, Please find the following positions available in Beijing ComputationalScience Research Center, China. *Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Fellow Positions* The *Computational structural biology group* (http://liulab.csrc.ac.cn) atthe Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) calls forapplications to fill *research scientist and postdoctoral positions* in thefollowing research areas, *1. Computational method and software development in X-ray sciences. *Ongoingactivities and research collaborations include, Developing open source programs for X-ray scattering data analysis andmodel reconstruction/refinement Method and software development for High-resolution structure determinationusing data collected at X-ray free electron lasers, including singleparticle scattering and serial crystallography data analysis Integration of molecular dynamics simulation and time-resolved X-rayscattering/diffraction data to reconstruct conformational transformationsfor large molecules. *2. Computational modeling and simulation of protein systems. **Ongoingprojects include* *Simulation of GPCR proteins, prediction of ligand binding and stability* *Investigation of nucleosome dynamics and packing, and the effect ofpost-translation modification to the histone tails* *3. Image analysis method and software development* *Main task is to do image classification, 3D object reconstruction from 2Dimages, 3D shape retrieval etc.* *Successful applicants are expected to spend a few months each year atArizona State University, department of Physics in our collaboration withthe NSF Science and Technology Center for applications of X-ray lasers toBiology.* *There are also opportunities for joint appointment with Universities inHong Kong for outstanding applicants.* *Qualifications**: Ideal candidates should have strong interest ininterdisciplinary research and be highly motivated to interact withexperimental groups. He/she should possess a PhD degree in physics,biology, or a related theoretical discipline, with a solid background inquantitative modeling and simulations. Independent problem-solving andcreative thinking skills are highly valued.* *The Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) (**http://www.csrc.ac.cn* <http://www.csrc.ac.cn/>*) is an interdisciplinaryresearch center open to national and international collaborativeinitiatives, equipped with advanced HPC machines.* *CSRC offers competitive salaries and benefits, and excellent researchenvironments. Successful applicants will work closely with current labmembers. CSRC encourages and sponsors young researchers to apply forhis/her own research funding if necessary. Interested applicants pleasesend a full CV, a brief summary or statement of research, and two to threereference letters by email to Dr. Haiguang Liu at**hgliu%csrc.ac.cn*<hgliu%25csrc.ac.cn>*.* Haiguang Liu Assistant Professor http://www.csrc.ac.cn/~HaiguangLiu_______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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