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[SA_Scat] 725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on magnetic SANS - 07-11 June2020, Bad Honnef
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_Scat] 725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on magnetic SANS - 07-11 June2020, Bad Honnef
- From: Sabrina Disch <sabrina.disch@uni-koeln.de>
- Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 17:23:37 +0100
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;d=uni-koeln.de; i=@uni-koeln.de; q=dns/txt; s=2019;t=1583252622; x=1614788622;h=from:subject:to:message-id:date:mime-version;bh=jJceLco9bF4uD8ZN+3RcRNCnvvoCZIVNRITdtdph/s4=;b=H/3yHK3URWYkULMfgTJ8hbcRG7RyfiFz5sq1v+ZMJ3I8NUls3V/7bZl+i30FpTIoAvXizOTbJehrWLlJ1ha6L3DSXgHQ8X0bNdesNmMotbHZ63MTvxkZr2WaNnl/IOdwnvju5+Iv3spNHMlJs80nSFjNQypxeNO90wcmdYTe7ub7AbCNwDcGjAYQJDYorfMByw6DEe28l38jxPdu9cyxTZriw9XnC0dtDXBGQerExI/ZpdmxyW5vJ1ZNYTQzdg7LFjOu0ao1+fi/TL4jbv+5Uzun5FYCWj/frb7cAtKkhcbdh1SYvRcI9COvyV64Yls9mJJ4KySHctHUPBVaU6dgd w==;
- IronPort-SDR: PpQDUTB8/4pyKQF039EqfRxYD9bai5HzloYuYwauUmoVCi5y0csKrnCwsZ0OGvYy4Hic1RnBTVSLb5pm7aeJRk3ax8wf7u46rdyHuk10Fs9QCl09dErt4rooLf6djs5Iol/YBw8YxT10YvT0um8N1Ubr4Jw1jeMzDqewA9IwPlOeJqMy2wPgk29fGnfvNdw3GD+xKZcVXc2N9h6T+Uw4GipGhqc88kJBrHOaW4QSuyZijDoxJ+juCkOd7Jw29yB5kA755ke+YLr+8NJwRLLHl9Fpf+rg1qZhtWoBn0hQjTc=
Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce that application is open for the _725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar_*Magnetic Small Angle Neutron Scattering â from Nanoscale Magnetism to LongâRange Magnetic Structures*https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/seminare/2020/magnetic-small-angle-neutron-scattering-from-nanoscale-magnetism-to-long-range-magnetic-structures/main/ This WE-Heraeus-Seminar focuses on the technique of magnetic small angle neutron scattering, which is one of the most important methods for magnetic microstructure determination in condensed-matter physics and materials science. Currently, the magnetic SANS community can be roughly subdivided into two larger groups: the research of one group is anchored in the domain of condensed-matter physics with a focus on fundamental questions such as skyrmion crystals and topological spin structures, complex long-range-ordered spin structures, and vortex lattices in superconductors, while the second group of scientists employs the magnetic SANS method for scrutinizing nanoscale magnetism in terms of a micromagnetic continuum description; materials classes which are studied are e.g. permanent magnets, magnetic steels, nanoparticles and ferrofluids, or complex alloys.It is one of the central aims of this Heraeus seminar to bring both groups of researchers closer together by providing a stage for intra- and interdisciplinary scientific exchange. Besides, in view of the upcoming European Spallation Source, a further focus will be on future challenges related to neutron instrumentation, sample environment, and neutron scattering data analysis. Application deadline: _31 March 2020_ Sincerely, Andreas MichelsSebastian MĂŒhlbauerSabrina Disch -- Dr. Sabrina DischEmmy-Noether Research Group Leader UniversitĂ€t zu KölnDepartment fĂŒr ChemieGreinstr. 4-650939 KölnGermany Tel: +49 (0)221 470 7336http://www.nanostr.uni-koeln.de/ _______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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