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[SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher/temporary scientist open at theCoSAXS beamline at MAXIV Laboratory/Lund University Sweden
- To: "'sa_scat@iucr.org'" <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher/temporary scientist open at theCoSAXS beamline at MAXIV Laboratory/Lund University Sweden
- From: "King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat" <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:00:01 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
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Dear colleague at the SAS community, We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher/temporary scientist to combine in situ uniaxial and biaxial mechanical testing with x-ray scattering experiments to exploit the technical advances of the recently commissioned CoSAXS beamline at the diffraction-limited 3 GeV storage ring of the MAXIV laboratory/Lund University in Sweden. Engqvist et al., at Lund University and MAXIV laboratory, have recently developed combined methods for the multi-scale analysis of in situ deformation which can be applied to a wide range of soft matter materials. The successful candidate will improve and expand these capabilities at CoSAXS to make them available for the general user community, in particular focusing on the construction, installation and control of the experimental sample environment, bi-dimensional scattering (SAXS/WAXS) data reduction and analysis procedures, and Digitial Image Correlation (DIC) of the macroscopic deformation. This is expected to be about 50 % of the employment working time. Specific tasks for this project are: * To develop the capabilities for in-situ mechanical testing at CoSAXS by integrating an existing experimental protocol for uniaxial loading with multi-scale deformation measurements in diverse materials. * Expand the experimental protocol to enable simultaneous SAXS and WAXS and fast 2D spatial mapping with reliable synchronization of the recorded data. * Develop a novel device for in-situ in-plane biaxial loading. Develop analysis protocols for this type of experiments.Support operational and user activities at the CoSAXS beamline, especially those related to in situ mechanical testing and real time processing of soft matter materials. You must expect to perform some work out of normal working hours, including weekends, during MAX IV operation cycles. There will be occasional requirements to travel within Sweden and overseas. The successful postdoc/temporary scientist will join the team at CoSAXS and will work in close contact with researchers at MAX IV and at the Division of Solid Mechanics, LTH, at Lund University. Supervisors will be Tomás Plivelic at CoSAXS/MAX IV laboratory and Jonas Engqvist at the Division of Solid Mechanics. Synchrotron activities will be supported by beamtime applications at MAX IV and eventually other large-scale facilities. Qualifications: * PhD degree in physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering or equivalent. * Experience and competence in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis with solid or glassy materials with corresponding publications. * Good knowledge in mechanics and experience in mechanical materials testing procedures. * Excellent programming skills using Matlab, Python or C++. Where possible, please provide example code, e.g. github link. * Fluent in English (written and spoken) with excellent written and verbal communications skills. * Ability to work in teams and interact with a diverse group of scientists and technical staff in a dynamic environment. Desirable: * Experience in manipulating and interpreting large data sets and data management. * Experience in developing data analysis algorithms * Experience with SAXS or XRD data modelling in polymeric materials. * Experience in mechanical design * Experience in using CAD-software or equivalent * Experience in instrument control and sample environment development. Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset. We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts. ************ To apply for this job, please visit https://lu.varbi.com/se/what:job/jobID:367398/type:job/where:4/apply:1 Deadline for the applications: February 8th, 2021 Contact persons: Tomás S. Plivelic, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. E-mail: tomas.plivelic@maxiv.lu.se<mailto:tomas.plivelic@maxiv.lu.se> Jonas Enqvist, Division of Solid Mechanics, LTH, Lund University. E-mail: jonas.engqvist@solid.lth.se<mailto:jonas.engqvist@solid.lth.se> Ann Terry, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. E-mail: ann.terry@maxiv.lu.se<mailto:ann.terry@maxiv.lu.se> ************ Dr.Tomás S. PlivelicProject Manager, CoSAXS beamlineMAX IV Synchrotron, Lund University, Swedenhttps://www.maxiv.se/cosaxs This email and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the named recipients. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this email or any of its attachments and should notify the sender immediately and delete this email from your system. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has taken every reasonable precaution to minimise risk of this email or any attachments containing viruses or malware but the recipient should carry out its own virus and malware checks before opening the attachments. UKRI does not accept any liability for any losses or damages which the recipient may sustain due to presence of any viruses. Opinions, conclusions or other information in this message and attachments that are not related directly to UKRI business are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of UKRI. _______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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