
Raising the profile of crystallography in the modern world

IUCr crystal-growing competition for schools

Submission form

Before completing this form, please note that you will need to have a Letter of Endorsement from your teacher or another responsible adult (as a PDF file) available for upload as an attachment. Complete all details (mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk *). When you select the "Next Page" button at the bottom of the page, you will have an opportunity to check and correct the entry before you submit it.

The closing date for applications is 29 November 2024.

Important notice: By uploading your entry, (1) you declare that you own the Copyright in the video or essay material; (2) you retain the Copyright in your work; (3) you allow the IUCr to publish it with a Creative Commons Attribution Licence. This will allow its use for educational or other purposes, without your needing to grant formal permission, so long as you are acknowledged as the source.

Who is submitting this application?
Please give the full name of the person who is submitting this entry. This can be one of the schoolchildren involved, or a teacher or parent. We shall communicate with this person if there are any problems or queries about the entry.
All entries must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement (PDF file). This letter should be written by your schoolteacher, head of department, head teacher or other suitable adult, and it should declare that you have permission to enter this competition, that you own the copyright in the material submitted, and that you license the IUCr to publish winning entries under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence. The letter should be on the headed notepaper of the school or other sponsoring organization, and the position or status of the endorsing adult should be stated under the signature.
Where does your team come from?
For the purposes of the competition, all individual entries will be considered as coming from a "team". A "team" can be a single individual, a small group in a class, the whole class, or even a team representing a whole school. If only one person is involved, please give the full name of that person; otherwise, provide a name or brief description for the team.
Please supply a full postal address for the school (except for its country, which should be selected below).
Age * Please select the average age of members of the team.
What crystal are you growing and why?
Please tell us the material you are trying to crystallize (and, optionally, the solvent used to grow the crystal)
If you wish, please provide a brief account of the particular reason that you chose to crystallize this material (100 words or less).
Your entry
Please provide here a web link to your video file. This link will be used by the competition judges to download your file and collect it on a private YouTube channel for the purposes of judging. If the link is to a file-transfer service such as DropBox or WeTransfer, please ensure that the files remain at this web link for a period of at least 7 days after submission.
Please leave this field blank.