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Re: [ddlm-group] UTF-8 BOM

Dear Herbert,

I don't believe the technique of using a BOM to switch encodings mid-stream is widely supported either within this group, by Unicode decoding/encoding libraries, or by standards documents.  For example, do any browsers support switching the encoding of a webpage halfway through?  I think not. I'd be happy to hear of a counterexample to this assertion, but assuming that such switching is not likely to be supported, I'd like to hear what you think of the following comments:

Encoding a CIF2 file in UCS2 or UCS4 seems to me to be notionally the same as compressing or otherwise transforming the original file.  Therefore, the notion of a 'UCS2-encoded CIF2 file' is no more contrary to the current CIF2 standard than the notion of a 'gzipped CIF2 file'.  Both files require some operation to transform them to a CIF2 file.  Both files will lack the required magic number at the front, and will cause CIF2 parsers to fail dismally.  I would propose that, if you need UCS2 for efficiency or storage reasons, you save files with a non 'CIF' extension (e.g. image001.cif.ucs2) and make it clear external to the file contents that they will need to be transformed from ucs2 to utf-8 before being fed to standards-compliant CIF2 tools.  My main concern with this approach is that we avoid confusion between a CIF2 file and an (re)encoded CIF2 file, because as soon as a CIF reader or writer is unsure about what they are reading or writing, the effectiveness of the standard is degraded.

I appreciate that this is not ideal from your point of view, and that you'd like to be able to specify the encoding within the file itself.  For the same reasons as discussed last year, I don't like that approach.

I do not understand your argument about an internal UCS BOM being not that much of a big deal because the program logic is not complicated.  Ease of programming is not really the issue here.  If a file is a standards-compliant CIF2 file, it must not cause a syntax error when read by a standards-compliant CIF2 reader (especially for a data transfer protocol!!).  If a UCS2 BOM is allowed in a CIF2 file, then *all* readers must be able to accept and understand it identically.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Herbert J. Bernstein <yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

James has said:

So: why exactly is ignoring a BOM a problem?  If the embedded BOM is the
leading BOM from a UTF16 file that has been naively concatenated, it will
have bytes 0xFE 0xFF.  This byte sequence (and the reverse) is not
acceptable UTF8, leading to a decoding error from the UTF8 decoding step. 
The subsequent bytes will be UTF16, which should cause a decoding failure in
any case.   So I deduce that we are simply discussing how to treat a UTF8
BOM, which can only find its way into a CIF file by naive concatenation of
UTF8-encoded files written by certain programs.

If the embedded BOM is a UTF-8 BOM, then ignoring it would be OK, as I don't
see that it is indicative of any problems beyond misguided choice of text

So I would advocate ignoring (and removing) UTF8-BOMs in the input stream,
and treating all other BOMs as syntax errors.  Individual applications may
wish to give users the option of interpreting U+FEFF as the deprecated ZWNBP
(and translating to the correct character) on the understanding that if this
occurs outside a delimited string it will cause a syntax error.

I propose something slightly different, which will amount to what James
is proposing for applications that wish to handle only UTF8, but which
will be essential for applications that have to work with a wider range
of encodings (e.g. imgCIF applications).

There are three highly likely BOMs that may be encountered at any point
in a byte stream in a Unicode world:

The UTF-16 big-endian BOM:  FE FF
The UTF-16 little-endian BOM FF FE

For a UTF-8 application, the sequence is EF B8 BF is, as James suggests,
simply something to accept and ignore, with processing continuing
normally without comment.  Again, as James suggests, for a UTF-8 only
applications the other 2 BOMs are invalid characters to treat as an

However, for an application able to work with a wider range of encodings,
the other two BOMs are just what it needs to decide how to handle the
remainder of the stream.

Now that we have settled the case-sensitivity issue in a normalized
unicode context, the recognition of BOMs in this manner imposes no particular additional burden on applications.  All applications will
have to have utilities to assemble UTF-8 character sequences into
Unicode code points either as 16 bit, or, better, 32 bit integers,
so this is just a perfectly normal and in most cases already coded
branch point in that logic.  It the application wishes to only be
UTF-8 aware, it can chop off the branch that would decode UCS-2/UTF-16
streams.  For what I have to do in my applications, I will simply
accept the output of that branch -- in terms of code points for text
I won't be able to tell the difference among the three possible
streams of encoded characters, and for the UCS-2/UTF-16 bin-utf binary data I have to handle for imgCIF, things will work.  Certainly, for
interchange with applications that only handle UTF-8, I will write
the 50% expanded UTF-8 encodings of the same binaries, but for
performance limited data collections, I will write out UCS-2/UTF-16

 Nobody is hurt by what I am proposing and CIF2 will see wider application this way.  Alternatively, if the needs of imgCIF are
unacceptable to be labelled CIF, we can always go back to
calling it imgNCIF (N for "not") as we had to in 1997 until we
called a truce and decided to accept the realities of modern
macromolecular data acquisition.


 Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science
  Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121
       Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769


On Mon, 24 May 2010, James Hester wrote:

To run through the alternatives and some of the arguments so far:

(i) treating an embedded BOM as an ordinary character runs against the
Unicode recommendations.  If we wish our standard to be respected, I think
we should at least respect other standards and the thinking that has gone
into them

(ii) treating an embedded BOM as whitespace is OK with the Unicode standard,
but means that a non-ASCII character now has syntactic meaning in the CIF. 
I think this would be completely inconsistent on our part, as an invisible
character (when displayed) can actually be used to delimit strings.  This is
my least preferred solution, as it goes against the human-readability
expected of CIFs

(iii) ignoring embedded BOMs is bad because they can be a 'tip off to a
serious problem'.

(iv) treating embedded BOMs as syntax errors will cause issues when CIF2
files are naively concatenated

I think the only viable alternatives are to choose (iii) or (iv).

So: why exactly is ignoring a BOM a problem?  If the embedded BOM is the
leading BOM from a UTF16 file that has been naively concatenated, it will
have bytes 0xFE 0xFF.  This byte sequence (and the reverse) is not
acceptable UTF8, leading to a decoding error from the UTF8 decoding step. 
The subsequent bytes will be UTF16, which should cause a decoding failure in
any case.   So I deduce that we are simply discussing how to treat a UTF8
BOM, which can only find its way into a CIF file by naive concatenation of
UTF8-encoded files written by certain programs.

If the embedded BOM is a UTF-8 BOM, then ignoring it would be OK, as I don't
see that it is indicative of any problems beyond misguided choice of text

So I would advocate ignoring (and removing) UTF8-BOMs in the input stream,
and treating all other BOMs as syntax errors.  Individual applications may
wish to give users the option of interpreting U+FEFF as the deprecated ZWNBP
(and translating to the correct character) on the understanding that if this
occurs outside a delimited string it will cause a syntax error.


PS am I the only one who thinks it unlikely that Wordpad users would choose
to use 'cat' to join file fragments together?

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein
<yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com> wrote:
     Allow me to clarify my position, so there is no

     I believe that we will be dealing with a world with at least
     and UCS-2/UTF-16 encodings for many years to come.  I have no
     objection to CIF2 being specified solely in terms of UTF-8 for
     simplicity and consistency, but if we are to write software that
     people can use, we must have a reasonable position with respect
     to the encodings people use, and that means that, at the very
     least, we need to accept and process UTF-8 BOMs as harmless
     additional text.  Some of us will also be supporting
     directly in our applications.  I don't mind if other
     are only going to support UTF-8, but inasmuch as, as long as
     we have java and web browsers, we are going to encounter
     we should do something sensible when a UCS-2/UTF-16 BOM pops up,
     either doing the internal translation if we so choose, or, if
     is not handled by a particular application, issuing a polite
     suggesting the used of an external translator if the application
     not wish to handle UCS-2/UTF-16.

     BOMS will almost always appear in modern UCS-2/UTF-16 files, and
     they are converted to UTF-8 that will give us yet another source
     UTF-8 BOMs.  I believe the sensible thing to so it to recognize

      Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science
        Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121
             Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769


On Tue, 18 May 2010, Bollinger, John C wrote:

> Herbert Bernstein wrote:
>> Let me see if I understand this correctly -- a user takes 2
perfectly good
>> CIF2 files, edits each to clean up, say, some comments to keep
straight where
>> one begins and one ends, using a well-designed modern text editor
>> happens to put a BOM at the start of each file, concatenates the
two files
>> with cat to ship them into the IUCr, and suddenly they have a
syntax error
>> caused by a character that they cannot see!!!
>> To me this seems pointless when it is trivial for software to
recognize the
>> character and handle it sensibly.
> And that is my principal rationale for preferring that embedded
U+FEFF be recognized as CIF whitespace.  With that approach, the
concatenation of two well-formed CIF2 files is always a well-formed
CIF2 file, regardless of the presence or absence of BOMs in the
original files.  Note, too, that such concatenation cannot produce a
mixed-encoding file because files encoded in UTF-16[BE|LE],
UTF-32[BE|LE], or any other encoding that can be distinguished from
UTF-8 are not well-formed CIF2 files to start.  The file concatenation
scenario thus does not provide a use case for the CIF2 *specification*
to recognize embedded U+FEFF as an encoding marker.
> On the other hand, I again feel compelled to distinguish program
behaviors from the CIF2 format specification.  None of the above would
prevent a CIF processor from recognizing and handling CIF-like
character streams encoded via schemes other than UTF-8, nor from
recognizing embedded U+FEFF code sequences in various encodings as
encoding switches, thereby handling mixed-encoding files.  Indeed,
such a program or library would be invaluable for correcting
encoding-related errors.  That does not, however, mean that such files
must be considered well-formed CIF2, no matter how likely they may (or
may not) be to arise.
> James Hester wrote:
>> I would be happy to call an embedded BOM a syntax error.
> In light of the possibility of U+FEFF appearing in a data value (for
example, from cutting text from a Unicode manuscript and pasting it
into a CIF), I need to refine my earlier blanket alternative of
treating embedded U+FEFF as a syntax error.  I now think it would be
ok to treat U+FEFF as a syntax error *provided* that it appears
outside a delimited string.  That's still not my preference, though,
and I feel confident that Herb will still disagree.
> Regards,
> John
> --
> John C. Bollinger, Ph.D.
> Computing and X-Ray Scientist
> Department of Structural Biology
> St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
> John.Bollinger@StJude.org
> (901) 595-3166 [office]
> www.stjude.org
> Email Disclaimer:  www.stjude.org/emaildisclaimer
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