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Re: Krakow2001 and further actions

Hello again
	In the late summer I e-mailed various people concerning the
Jerusalem meeting, but except for an acknowledgement of the e-mail there
has been no futher developments. 
The questions I raised in that e-mail included
1) Requests for the name of an active and effective local orgnaiser
2) Requests for a suitable venue at a reasonable cost. International
meetings are now becoming too expensive for student participation
3) Funding.

Ton has been nominated to represent the IUCr Computing Commission over

Until we have some idea about these 'physical' requirements, there is
little we can do about the scientific content. However, the proposed model
was a joint large/small/(powder) computing school, with combined sessions
on topics of broad interest, and separate sessions for detailed topics.

HOWEVER, the first problems to solve are those listed above

		Best wishes

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Alexandre Urzhumtsev/Ourjoumtsev wrote:
> 	I remind you that anyhow currently the ECM-20 story is on the way and we
> need to think about our future actions. As we discussed this, we can think
> about a Computer School for the next IUCr Congress (definitely, this should
> be done together with an Internationl Committee on Cryst. Computing !). Or
> something else - waiting for your suggessions.
> Best wishes for everybody for New Year !
> Sasha

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International Union of Crystallography

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