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NOBUGS 2 paper

I have updated my web pages to include all the suggestions which have
been made (I think). If I've forgotten something please remind me.

The text of the "DRAFT CBF DEFINITION" has been modified to take into
account John Westbrook's updated version of the dictionary. But my
"EXAMPLE CBF" FILE HAS NOT YET. (This was produced by software so
I want to alter the software. This probably won't be until after
I have some requests:

I "discovered" a "imgCIF /CBF" navigation logo, equivalent to the
IUCr and CIF navigation logos. I presume Brian has produced this.
Can I use it for my web pages, and for my NOBUGS presentation ?

John Westbrook has a very nice CBF header logo. Can I similarly
use this ? And can I use the data categories structuring gif ?

For the NOBUGS 2 workshop, they plan to "publish" a proceeding
on the web. Thus, I'm producing my overhead slides as web pages.
I'm still working on this, but I'll put the present slides on the
ESRF server with a link from the home page. Please take a look
and send any comments or objections.


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International Union of Crystallography

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