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Re: More thoughts on polarization, divergence, time-stamps in CBF

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, I. David Brown wrote:

> 	There is a version of imgCIF/CBF (0.7.0) that has almost completed
> its review by the Comcifs Dictionary Review Committee and is on the point
> of being forwarded for official Comcifs approval.  The problems of
> reporting polarization are not trivial and and it would be a mistake to
> try to slip a poorly thought out set of items into version 0.7.0 before it
> is sent off for approval. I would recommend that we get version 0.7.0 on
> the books and treat the addition of polarization and collimation as
> something to be added once the topic has received the kind of in depth
> consideration it deserves.  Examples of the kind of problems that need to
> be considered are given below.

I'm bringing this (and other items which I will post when I have time) up
now because Herbert asked me to. 

In the short term it doesn't matter unduly if items such as polarization
aren't included in a usable fashion in the definitions, but from my point
of view as someone who is writing integration software to read CBFs, it
makes good sense to include these at the earliest possible date. I'd like
to save my users the trouble of writing down these numbers on their
synchrotron trips...

BTW, I've been working with 0.6.2. Finding a more recent version is not

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH

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