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[SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Magnetic NeutronReflectometery at SNS
- To: <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Magnetic NeutronReflectometery at SNS
- From: <stephen.king@stfc.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 09:30:49 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50542449 Posted Date02/03/2016 End Posting Date03/07/2016 PurposeThe Neutron Sciences Directorate (NScD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) operates the High Flux Isotope Reactor(HFIR), the United States' highest flux reactor based neutron source, and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the world'smost intense pulsed accelerator based neutron source. Together these facilities operate 30 instruments for neutron scatteringresearch, each year carrying out in excess of 1,000 experiments in the physical, chemical, materials, biological and medicalsciences. HFIR also provides unique facilities for isotope production and neutron irradiation. To learn more about NeutronSciences at ORNL go to: http://neutrons.ornl.gov . Purpose:The Quantum Condensed Matter Division (QCMD) https://neutrons.ornl.gov/qcmd in the NScD at ORNL operates 13instruments for elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies of materials including the Magnetism Reflectometer.Instruments are located at both HFIR and SNS. QCMD conducts research on materials with emergent properties that aremanifestly quantum in origin. Some examples of current interest include superconductivity, multiferroicity, low dimensionaland frustrated magnetism, orbital fluctuations, quantum criticality, nanocomposite and mesoscale magnetic materials.The Magnetism Reflectometer located at the SNS is a vertical-surface polarized reflectometer optimized for the study ofmagnetism nanoscale systems. The instrument provides a polarized beam with optional polarization analysis in order toextract the structural and vector magnetic profile from thin films and nanostructure systems. A versatile array of sampleenvironment, capable of varying temperature, pressure, optical illumination, magnetic and electric fields, enables studies ofsample conditions relevant to quantum condensed matter. A reflectometer optimized for the study of magnetic nanostructuresis also under consideration as an instrument at the proposed SNS Second Target Station (STS). The successful candidate will conduct scientific research, engage in beamline operations at the Magnetism Reflectometer,and be an active participant in developing the design of the proposed STS reflectometer. Full training will be given in allaspects of neutron reflectometry including beamline operation, data collection, processing and modeling. Major Duties/ResponsibilitiesConduct research on a mutually agreed topic in magnetic thin films and nano-structures using the Magnetism Reflectometerand other instruments as appropriate and to publish scientific papers resulting from this research and present results atappropriate national and international meetings. * Participate in operations of the Magnetism Reflectometer and provide beam line support to a limited number of users.* The successful candidate will be part of the Thin Films and Nanostructures group in the Quantum Condensed MatterDivision at ORNL and will be expected to take part in all group activities, which include seminars and monthly meetings.* The successful candidate will also be part of a growing team of instrument scientists and specialists developing conceptualdesigns for STS instruments and will contribute to development of the design of a new reflectometer for the Second TargetStation.* Ensure compliance with environment, safety, health and quality program requirements.* Maintain strong commitment to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics.* Physical requirements for this job include the use of hand and eye protection gear, kneeling, sitting for extended periods oftime, extensive work at chemical laboratories, and possible exposure to ionizing radiation normally associated with operationof neutron scattering instruments for scientific research. Qualifications RequiredApplicants must hold a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or a related discipline from anaccredited institution. Candidates must be self-motivated and have good interpersonal, communication and presentationalskills. The date of application must be within 5 years of the most recent degree, and all degree requirements must becomplete before starting the appointment. Certain exceptions may be considered. This position is a temporary, full-timeassignment of 24 months. Qualifications Desired:Previous experience with neutron or x-ray reflectometry is desirable as well as experience gained in conducting experimentsat national user facilities. A familiarity with sample synthesis, deposition, and bench-top characterization is highly desirable. Work Directions and InterfacesReports to Timothy Charlton. Will interface with the MR instrument team, SNS support staff, users of the MR, and withmembers of the STS instrument design team. This position will remain open for a minimum of 5 days after which it will close when a qualified candidate is identified and/orhired. We accept Word(.doc, .docx), Excel(.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint(.ppt, .pptx), Adobe(.pdf), Rich Text Format(.rtf), HTML(.htm,.hmtl) and text files(.txt) up to 2MB in size. Resumes from third party vendors will not be accepted; these resumes will bedeleted and the candidates submitted will not be considered for employment. If you have trouble applying for a position, please email ORNLRecruiting@ornl.gov<mailto:ORNLRecruiting@ornl.gov> .Notice: If the position requires a Security Clearance, reviews and tests for the absence of any illegal drug as defined in 10CFR 707.4 will be conducted by the employer and a background investigation by the Federal government may be requiredto obtain an access authorization prior to employent and subsequent reinvestigations may be required.If the position is covered by the Counterintelligence Evaluation Program regulations at 10 CFR 709, a counterintelligenceevaluation may include a counterintelligence-scope polygraph examination.ORNL is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants, including individuals with disabilities and protectedveterans, are encouraged to apply. UT-Battelle is an E-Verify Employer._______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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