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[SA_Scat] Unofficial Round Robin: how accurate is SAXS?

Dear Colleagues, 
We are sending around samples of silver nanoparticles to a variety of labs, to try to assess how accurate SAXS is in practice for size distribution determination. Many of you are already participating in this experiment, but we have a few more pairs of samples available. If anyone is interested in measuring silver nanoparticles in solution, please let me know.
More information on this experiment can be found in the following blog posts:http://www.lookingatnothing.com/index.php/archives/2015andhttp://www.lookingatnothing.com/index.php/archives/1940
Yours sincerely,

Brian R. Pauw. 
--Dr. ir. Brian R. Pauwbrian@stack.nlhttp://www.lookingatnothing.com/

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