Fourteenth Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
12 August - 20 August 1987
The Australian National Committee for Crystallography at a meeting in Melbourne in July 1987 as part of the preparation for the 1987 Congress in Perth: Syd Hall, Hans Freeman, Ted Maslen, Max Taylor, Trevor Hicks, Ian Grey.
Planning meeting
Syd Hall as Master of Ceremonies at the Opening Ceremony of the 1987 Perth Congress.
Opening Ceremony
The Vice Chancellor of the University of Western Australia opening the 1987 Perth Congress.
Opening Ceremony
The President of the IUCr Theo Hahn speaking at the Opening of the 1987 Perth Congress.
Opening Ceremony
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Australia Robert Smith, Robert Diamond, Jerry Karle, Syd Hall.
Opening Ceremony
Presentation of the Ewald Prize to John Cowley and Alex Moodie at the Opening Ceremony at the 1987 Perth Congress: John Cowley, Alex Moodie, V. I. Simonov, Kaarle Kurki-Suonio, Theo Hahn.
Ewald Prize
John Cowley, Alex Moodie, V. I. Simonov, Theo Hahn.
Ewald Prize
John Cowley, Alex Moodie.
Ewald Prize
John Cowley, Theo Hahn, Alex Moodie.
Ewald Prize
Standing: Alex Moodie, Ted Maslen, Theo Hahn, John M. Cowley. Seated: Alexander Mathieson. Opening ceremony, Perth Town Hall.
Ewald Prize Award.
Peter Ewald (son of Paul Ewald) accepting a replica of the Ewald Prize medal at the opening ceremony of the 1987 Congress in Perth.
Ewald Prize
Peter Ewald (son of Paul Ewald) accepting a replica of the Ewald Prize medal at the opening ceremony of the 1987 Congress in Perth.
Ewald Prize
Brian Matthews giving Plenary Lecture at the opening ceremony of the 1987 Congress in Perth.
Plenary Lecture
Moreton Moore presenting Brian Matthews with a memento for his Plenary Lecture at the opening ceremony of the 1987 Congress in Perth.
Plenary Lecture
Hans Freeman, Ted Maslen, Brian Matthews, Syd Hall.
Plenary Lecture
Ted Maslen, Hans Freeman, Brian Matthews, Moreton Moore, K. V. J. Kurki-Suonio.
Plenary Lecture
Syd Hall, Moreton Moore.
Andrew Stevenson, Steven Wilkins.
Sine Larsen, Neils Hansen.
Jochen Schneider (left); J. M. Cowley (right).
Jim King, Ted Maslen, Anne Cawley and Asbjørn Hordvik.
Executive Committee
Jerry Karle, Theo Hahn, Mario Nardelli. St George's College, University of Western Australia.