MaThCryst School on Fundamental Crystallography
Glulechitza, Bulgaria
30 September - 5 October 2013
Organised by the Bulgarian Crystallographic Association, the IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography and the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Teaching.
Rosica Nicolova.
Introductory remarks
Mois Aroyo.
Classroom session
Rosica Nicolova.
Classroom session
Massimo Nespolo.
Classroom session
Mois Aroyo.
Classroom session
Mois Aroyo.
Classroom session
Massimo Nespolo.
Classroom session
Massimo Nespolo.
Classroom session
Massimo Nespolo.
Classroom session
Mois Aroyo.
Classroom session
Miroslav Abrashev.
Classroom session
Boris L. Shivachev.
Classroom session
Boris L. Shivachev.
Classroom session
Participant poster presentation
Participant poster presentation
Participant poster presentation
Participant poster presentation
Participant poster presentation
Participant poster presentation
Emre S. Tasci.
Classroom session
A well-earned refreshment break. Massimo Nespolo, Mois Aroyo.
Shmuel Samuha, Valentina Loconte.
Mois Aroyo, Massimo Nespolo, Emre S. Tasci, Rosica Nicolova.
Short excursion
The fate awaiting participants who fail their matrix algebra.
The fate awaiting participants who fail their matrix algebra.