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IUCr sponsorship and support of meetings

The Sub-committee on the Union Calendar receives and considers requests for IUCr sponsorship and financial support and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee. Organizers of meetings (which must be international in character) wishing to seek IUCr sponsorship should submit applications at least nine months in advance of the meeting. Applications for sponsorship of satellite meetings require the approval of the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the main meeting. The IUCr continues to support and uphold ICSU’s policy of non-discrimination and adheres to its decisions and procedures concerning the free circulation of scientists. Organizers of any meeting seeking IUCr sponsorship or support must assure the Calendar Sub-committee that the authorities of the country in which the meeting is to take place guarantee free entrance of bona fide scientists from all countries.

Application forms are available from the Chair of the Sub-committee: H. Fuess, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, FB 21 Materialwissenschaft Strukturforschung, Petersenstrrasse 23, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany; (email:

'Science is the search for truth – it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, or do harm to others. We need the spirit of science in international affairs to make the conduct of international affairs an effort to find solutions.'
Linus Pauling in No More War
7 July 2009