This page gives information on searching the World Directory of Crystallographers. To go back to the search page click here.
Search features
Customizing your results
Use of the database
If you have any queries about the search system, please contact
Search features
Basic searching
To enter a query, just type in a family name or other words and hit the 'enter' key (or click on the Search button) for a list of crystallographers. As only results that contain all the words in your query are returned, refiningyour search is as simple as adding more words to the searchterms you have already entered.
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Phrase searching
Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks. Words enclosed in double quotes ("like this") will appear together in all results exactly as you have entered them. For example, to find articles containing the phrase biological macromolecules, your search should be as follows:
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Word variations (wild cards and stemming)
Searches using wild cards and stemming are supported:
- Wild cards. The wild card "*" may be added to search terms. For example, searching for the interest "crystal*" will return results for individuals with interests in "crystallography","crystallization", "crystals" etc.
- Stemming. This option can be selected by checking the "Use stemming" box. The stemming algorithm takes the search term and removes common suffixes, such as plurals and "ing" endings, as well as some other English language structures such as "tional" (as in "rotational", where the root is "rotation").
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Search by country
As a default, all searches are carried out against crystallographers from all countries in the World. You may also select individual countries or combinations of countries for your search. If you are using a PC, countries can be selected by holding down the <Control> key; on a MAC hold down the <Option> key.
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Include WDC 10 entries in results
The current edition (WDC 11) of the World Directory of Crystallographers is the 11th edition. Checking the option "include WDC 10 entries in results" allows entries from the last edition of the World Directory of Crystallographers (WDC 10) to be included in the search results.
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Customizing your results
Number of results
You can view 5, 10, or 50 records per page. If your search returns more than 50 hits, you will be asked to modify your search.
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Format of results
Your results can be displayed in the following formats:
- Detailed format. This is the default display format. The names and e-mail addreses of each individual are supplied, together with full contact details and scientific research interests. The information may be selected and downloaded in vCard format.
- Concise format. Names and e-mail addresses onlyare supplied.
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Use of the database
Terms and conditions of use
The World Directory of Crystallographers is provided free of charge for personal use to facilitate communication with individuals in the crystallographic community.
The systematic collection and storage of information from the directory without prior permission is prohibited, as is data mining of the directory, or resale of information from the directory. Materials from the directory may not be recompiled, manipulated, used to prepare derivative works, or published in another format without prior written permission from the IUCr.
Mailing lists based on the World Directory of Crystallographers are not available. However, opportunities for advertising and partnership with the IUCr can be found in our media kit.
The IUCr has published a detailed statement of policy on Privacy.
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The IUCr does not warrant that the directory will be accessible in any particular hardware/software environment. The IUCr does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the directory, or its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The IUCr will have no liability to any person for any loss or damage arising out of use of, or inability to use, the directory.
The IUCr will make all reasonable efforts to make its server available on a 24-hour basis, excluding normal network administration and system down time, but if access is suspended or interrupted, liability will be limited to restoring access to the server as soon as practicable.
The IUCr reserves the right at any time to withdraw from the directory any item or part of an item for which it no longer retains the right to publish, or which it has reasonable grounds to believe infringes copyright or is defamatory, obscene, unlawful or otherwise objectionable.
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