Symmetry aspects of M. C. Escher's periodic drawings
C. H. MacGillavry
ISBN 978-0-9553602-3-7 | Publisher: International Union of Crystallography |
Date of publication: 31 October 2017 | Third edition |
Price: 45 GBP | Hardback, 92 pp, 42 illustrations, h = 303 mm, w = 214 mm |
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This third edition of the book contains 42 periodic drawings (30 black-and-white and 12 in colour) by the world-famous Dutch artist, M. C. Escher. Their symmetry aspects are discussed by Professor Caroline MacGillavry. Apart from its artistic value the book is of great use for teaching purposes. Like the intricate mosaics of the Alhambra, Escher's patterns form ideal material for the illustration of the principles of symmetry, especially colour symmetry. This new edition includes a Foreword by Henk Schenk, a discussion of the symbols used by Mois I. Aroyo, some corrections to the text and an index of plates.