Recently published volumes
Teaching Edition of International Tables for Crystallography: Crystallographic symmetry
Editor: M. I. Aroyo
This sixth edition of what was previously known as the Brief Teaching Edition of Volume A was published in April 2021 (ISBN 978-0-470-97422-3) and may be ordered from Wiley. Its main aim is to provide an introduction to the space-group data in Volumes A and A1. This edition is designed more specifically for people new to the field of crystallographic symmetry and includes introductions to Vol. E of International Tables, to magnetic space groups and to the Symmetry Database.
Volume H: Powder diffraction (First Edition)
Editors: C. J. Gilmore, J. A. Kaduk and H. Schenk
The first edition of Volume H was published in July 2019 (ISBN 978-1-118-41628-0) and may be ordered from Wiley.Powder diffraction is the mostly widely used crystallographic method with applications spanning all aspects of structural science. This new volume of International Tables covers all aspects of the technique with over 50 chapters written by experts in the field.
The volume contains seven parts:
- Part 1 provides an introduction to the principles of powder diffraction.
- Part 2 covers instrumentation for laboratory X-ray studies, synchrotron, neutron and electron diffraction, 2D diffraction, and special environments (temperature, pressure, magnetic fields, reaction cells). Sample preparation is also covered.
- Part 3 describes the different methodologies used in powder diffraction.
- Part 4 covers structure determination and validation.
- Part 5 discusses defects, texture and microstructure: stress and strain, grain size and thin films.
- Part 6 provides a useful review of available software.
- Part 7 describes applications to many areas of industrial and academic importance including: macromolecules, zeolites, mining, ceramics, cement, forensic science, archaeology and pharmaceuticals. Both the theory and applications are discussed.
Volume A: Space-group symmetry (Sixth Edition)
Editor: M. I. Aroyo
The sixth edition of Volume A was published in December 2016 (ISBN 978-0-470-97423-0) and may be ordered from Wiley. It comprise three parts.Part 1. Introduction to space-group symmetry
Part 1 of the volume includes chapters on groups, crystallographic and space-group symmetry, descriptions of space groups, coordinate-system transformations and methods of space-group determination. The final chapter provides a useful introduction to topics treated in more depth in Volumes A1 and E of the series. The chapters in this part have been written with teaching in mind.
Part 2. Tables of plane and space groupsPart 2 of the volume presents the diagrams and tables of plane- and space-group data. The layout of the tables of data, the symbols used in the diagrams and the classification of the space groups are explained in a useful guide.
Part 3 treats more advanced topics on space-group symmetry, and covers crystal lattices, point groups and crystal classes, space-group symbols and their use, lattice complexes, normalizers of space groups, and magnetic subperiodic groups and magnetic space groups.
There are eight new chapters in this sixth edition of Volume A, and five chapters have been revised. The layout of the space-group tables has been simplified as the sub- and supergroup data are now available in Volume A1, and there are new general-position diagrams for the cubic space groups. Additional diagrams showing tilted, perspective views of some of the more complex cubic space groups are also provided.
New volumes and editions in preparation
Volume C: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables (Fourth Edition)
Editor: Richard Welberry
Many of the 30+ articles commissioned for this very major revision have been received and some are now ready for publication. Accepted and technically edited articles are now being published online as early view chapters in advance of production of the complete volume.
Volume I: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and related techniques (new volume)
Editors: Chris Chantler, Federico Boscherini and Bruce Bunker
Nearly all of the articles we have commissioned have now been received, and a large proportion of these have been reviewed and accepted. The quality of the articles is excellent, with much significant new material not available elsewhere. Accepted and technically edited articles are now being published online as early view chapters in advance of production of the complete volume.
These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 25 Feb 2022