Database of Electron Crystallographic Data
This page provides dynamical electron crystallographic datasets, either specific I(hkl) information or links to other locations where it can be downloaded. Initially this is just diffraction data, although this may be expanded in the future.
2D data sets
Precession Diffraction Data
Andalusite-6.5mrad (1.5 KB)
Andalusite-13mrad (1.5 KB)
Andalusite-18mrad (1.5 KB)
Andalusite-24mrad (1.5 KB)
Andalusite-32mrad (1.5 KB)
Andalusite-0mrad (1.5 KB)
Surface Diffraction Data
LaAlO3_Full (2.3 KB)
MgO-2x2 (2.1 KB)
MgO-Rt3 (1.1 KB)
NiO-2x2 (1.2 KB)
NiO-rt3 (1.1 KB)
Si_111_7x7 (3.1 KB)
STO4x2_full (1.7 KB)
3D data sets
Calculated DFT Data
Andalusite (568.2 KB)
Forsterite (468.9 KB)
Karrooite (295.4 KB)
Magnesite (104.2 KB)
MgSiPerov (271.4 KB)
Olivine (476.3 KB)
Perovskite (20.8 KB)
Pyrope (212.1 KB)
Ringw2 (42.4 KB)
Sillimanite (541.9 KB)
Wadsleyite (429.3 KB)