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RE: CIF-JSON draft 2017-05-15

As the CCDC's treatment of concatenation appears to be of repeated
interest for this thread I felt I should comment.  Yes, this is exactly
what the CCDC does.  In practice only a small number of structures
usually appear in one file, and names tend to vary, so the odds of
a name collision are really quite low and I am unaware we have had
significant feedback that this is causing any problem for users.

A format where this did not have to be considered would in some
ways be of benefit, but on the other hand might mean that users
then create CIF-JSON files which appear syntactically correct when
stored in that format but then are incorrect when translated to CIF.
This may then impact on the ability to freely translate between the
two, which would be unfortunate.

Whilst concatenating JSON does not give valid JSON, a sequence of
individually correct JSON objects is a format that is commonly used
for server log files and other situations where a stream of results
is stored.  It having the advantage that as each item is self-contained
and can be parsed individually.  Such an arrangement might also be
acceptable for CIF-JSON.


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