Crystallography Scholarship Awards

To encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallographically-oriented research, the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) has established a Crystallography Scholarship Fund. Convinced of the beneficial impact of the scholarships, the ICDD has solicited funds from private and industrial sectors tosupport this program. The ICDD has awarded twenty-four scholarships since 1992, five in 1998.
Applicants should be graduate students seeking a degree with major interest in crystallography. There are no restrictions on country, race, age or sex. Applicants. should submit Curriculum Vitae, listing degree(s) held and degree(s) sought, a one-page proposal describing the type of research to be supported, and a supportive letter from the sponsoring professor of an accredited university on institution letterhead. The scholarship stipend of $2,000 is to be used to help defray tuition and laboratory fees.
Applications must be received by Oct. 31 1998. Please mail to: Secretary, International Centre for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273, USA.