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Allen to receive Skolnik award

[Skolnik logo]
The Herman Skolnik Award of the ACS Div. of Chemical Information, recognizing outstanding contributions to and achievements in the theory and practice of chemical information science, will be presented at the Fall 2003 ACS meeting in New York to Frank Allen. Dr. Allen has worked at CCDC since 1970, following undergraduate and graduate studies at Imperial College, London and postdoctoral work at the U. of British Columbia. He became Executive Director of the CCDC in October 2002. Allen has been the Editor of Acta Crystallographica B from 1993-2002, and held a range of senior positions in the BCA, the ECA and the IUCr. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1992, was awarded the RSC Silver Medal and Prize for Structural Chemistry in 1994, and was appointed to the Editorial Board of Chemical Communications in 1999, and to a Visiting Professorship at the U. of Bristol, UK in 2002. He is a member of the Int’l Advisory Board of the Protein Data Bank (RCSB) and has done much to promote the scientific value of all of the crystallographic databases in the international arena.
Bill Town CINF Awards Committee, Ass’t Chair