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Ninth Ewald Prize

[IUCr logo]
[Eleanor Dodson] Eleanor Dodson
[Carlo Giacovazzo] Carlo Giacovazzo
[George M. Sheldrick] George M. Sheldrick

The IUCr is pleased to announce that E. Dodson (Dept. of Chemistry, U. of York, UK), C. Giacovazzo (Inst. of Crystallography-CNR, Bari, Italy) and G.M. Sheldrick (Lehrstuhl für Strukturchemie, Göttingen, Germany) have been awarded the ninth Ewald Prize for the enormous impact they have made on structural crystallography by designing new methods and providing these in algorithms and constantly maintained, renewed and extended user software. Their invaluable contributions to the computational side of the field have led to leadership with the program suites CCP4, SIR and SHELX, respectively. Daily all over the world thousands of crystallographers are profiting from their excellent achievements. The presentation of the Ewald Prize will be made during the Madrid Congress Opening Ceremony on August 22, 2011.