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ACA Canadian Division

From ACA RefleXions, Spring 2013

Members of the Canadian National Committee for Crystallography are: Jim Britten, Chair, Pam Whitfield, Vice Chair, Joe Schrag, Secretary, Marie Fraser, Treasurer, Stan Cameron, Lee Groat, Lynne Howell, and ex officio, David Rose.

The officers of the ACA Canadian Div. are Gerald Audette, Chair, and Brian Patrick, Secretary. The Canadian Div. is co-sponsoring several scientific sessions at the Hawaii meeting: Structure; Enzymology; Computational Tips and Tricks; Cool Structure; and Research at Undergraduate Institutions. Because Canadians co-chair these sessions, abstracts directed to them stand an excellent chance of being selected for talks. In addition, the Delbaere-Pauling Poster Prize is awarded annually to the top trainee poster from a Canadian laboratory.