2004 International Union of Crystallography High Pressure Commission Workshop
The 5th International Union of Crystallography High Pressure Commission Workshop was held on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, home of the recently commissioned Canadian Light Source, from 18th-24th August, 2004. The workshop was attended by close to 90 participants from 13 different countries.The title of this year Workshop was “Crystallography at High Pressure”. The scientific programme covered many scientific and technological areas of interest to the High Pressure Commission. The Workshop was arranged into 11 sessions over three and a half days. Each session focused on a particular subject and was led by a keynote lecture introducing the state-of-the-art of the field. There are a total of 47 oral presentations covering diverse topical subjects such as structural studies on biological materials, liquid-liquid transition, amorphous solids, structures and chemistry of novel materials, superconductivity and magnetism, computational crystallography and the latest development in instrumentation and methodologies for structural determination. A large portion of the presentations was given by young scientists (10 lectures by recent postdoctorals and students). In addition to formal presentations, a poster session with 22 contributions provided an alternative forum for further scientific discussions.
This Workshop was sponsored by the President, University of Saskatchewan, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Canadian Light Source Inc., Canadian Institute for Synchrotron Radiation, the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences of National Research Council of Canada, ALMAX Industries and Blake Industries Inc. The organization committee particularly grateful to the financial support from IUCr. A total of 20 young scientists benefited from travel support.
These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021