Crystallographic software list
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KCL For KCl structures program to refine parameters in the harmonic approximation. refines individual thermal, scale, extinction parameters in KCl type structures.
KCrystal Linux `live-CD' (a Linux system running from a bootable CD) that contains a collection of the main software (free distribution) used in the Rietveld method.
Khoros Image processing and visualization system. Build your own application using a flexible User Configuration Preferences, streaming Data Services and Operators, visual Workspace Compilers, installation, Packaging, and Build System. User Friendly Code Generation Paradigm. Online Manuals and Automated Migration.
Kintecus To model the reactions of chemical, biological, nuclear and atmospheric processes using two input spreadsheet files: a reaction spreadsheet and a species description spreadsheet. Has been designed with ease of use in mind. In the new version ability to run Chemkin/Senkin models without programming or compiling. Support for Excel and Lotus spreadsheet programs. Other chemistry programs available.
Koalariet Rietveld program.Modeling of peaks using the approach described by Coehlo and Cheary.
KOQUA2 A program for simulating divergent-beam diffraction pattern for crystals and quasicrystals.
Kriber Interactive program to calculate distances and angles, generate input files for the program DLS-76 and for the program LOADAT of the X-Ray Rietveld System XRS-82, and calculate coordination sequences and loop configurations.
Kristall2000 A program for drawing crystals, twins, and aggregates in various forms, habits, distortions and intergrowths of crystals.
KSLStrain A package for analysis of Kossel diffraction patterns.
K_Space Navigator K_Space Navigator
KUPLOT Interactive plotting program controlled by a command language. KUPLOT is part of the diffuse scattering simulation package DISCUS, however it can be used totally independent of the DISCUS software.