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Re: Whitespace in atom labels?

Very happy to support this.
On Friday, 24 September 2021 01:56:43 BST James H via cif-developers wrote:> Hello cif-developers,> > Atom labels as defined in the DDL1 core dictionary are, strictly speaking,> allowed to contain whitespace, because the machine-readable parts of DDL1> do not allow this to be expressed, and the text definition doesn't> explicitly exclude it. mmCIF can and has explicitly restricted atom labels> to not include whitespace in a machine-readable way, so our preference> would be to follow suit. We are therefore contemplating (see> https://github.com/COMCIFS/cif_core/pull/249) restricting atom labels to> not contain whitespace. As far as I know there are no such entries in COD,> but I thought it worth checking with this group first. Any objections?> > thanks,> James.

With best wishes,Mike HoylandSystems DeveloperIUCr, Chester==================================

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