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Additional update to core dictionary
- To: comcifs@iucr.org
- Subject: Additional update to core dictionary
- From: Brian McMahon <bm@iucr.org>
- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 10:28:21 +0000
Colleagues Assuming James also approves the recent "fast-track" changes, I'll be happy to work on releasing quickly a new minor upgrade version of the core CIF dictionary. With your indulgence, I would like to take the opportunity to add at the same time _journal_paper_doi as a new member of the JOURNAL category, expressing the digital object identifier (DOI) assigned to the article published from the data in the current CIF, e.g. _journal_paper_doi '10.1107/S010876739101067X' Traditionally, these _journal_ items have been taken to be in the gift of the IUCr journals staff, and have not gone through the usual formal review process. They are not individually defined in the core dictionary, though perhaps they should be. I would not expect any particular concern over the proposed new item; it's just another piece of bibliographic housekeeping. However, there is the possibility of creating new data names to record DOIs for other associated publications or data sets, now that it is starting to become common practice to register such identifiers for data sets. We have considered this possibility carefully in the Acta office, and have come to the conclusion that such definitions would be premature. There is as yet no established code of practice for assigning DOIs to data sets in a way that records their relationship to other data sets or publications. CrossRef, the body that has managed DOIs centrally for the publishing industry, is now partnered by DataCite, which seeks to perform the same role for research data sets. We feel that it would be best to track any protocols these bodies establish for cross-linking before seeking to emulate them with suitable CIF data names. On the other hand, if any of you feel differently about this, or have specific data names that you wish to suggest, please feel free to do so. Best wishes Brian
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